Sunday, August 5, 2007

How to turn NUM LOCK off for the logon screen

When I use a laptop running windows XP, I really want to turn the NUM LOCK off for the logon sreen. To turn NUM LOCK off before a user logs on, I use the steps below:
1.Run Registry Editor (Regedit.exe).
2.Navigate to HKEY_USERS\.Default\Control Panel\Keyboard.
3.Change the value for InitialKeyboardIndicators from 2 to 0.

If a desktop keyboard or a numeric keypad is present, I will try to keep the value 2. The method is borrowed from MS KB154529.


Alex said...

on my computer i can't log on because of num lock, how do i turn it off if the button won't work and i can't log on?!

pcmemoirs said...

Check your BIOS settings. Under Advanced BIOS Features, there should be "Bootup Numlock Status" where you can turn this off or on.