Saturday, October 22, 2011

PBO loses settings when power cycled

Starting from this week, I noticed that my Patriot Box Office (PBO) asked me to select language and time and network settings every time when it came out of the stand-by mode or power cycle. I tried downgrading the firmware back to P02 then flashed back to P70R2(BCN) but that didn't fix the problem.

I telnet to the BOX and found the file for the above settings is located at
and every time  when the PBO is turned on, this file is recreated upon user selections. I found the reason is most likely that the partition /usr/local/etc/ is full and the Setup file can't be saved to disk when powered off. Below is the result from df showing exactly that.
# df -h
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                78.6M     71.0M   7.6M  90% /
/dev/mtdblock/2          69.1M     69.1M      0 100% /usr/local/etc
/dev/rd/0                40.0k     40.0k      0 100% /mnt/rd

I deleted some RSS files I added and then did a du on the disk usage of partition /usr/local/etc

/usr/local/etc # du -d 1
54      ./playlist
874     ./dvdplayer
14      ./hdd.old
36660   ./linked
23827   ./mos
11      ./ppp
1962    ./srjg
2       ./lost+found
63419   .

The two biggest subfolders are linked (>30MB) and mos (>20MB). I found there are some redundant executables in


So I deleted those files and replace them with symbolic links to files in /usr/local/etc/mos/rssex2/bin/ After doing this, I now have roughly 7.5MB space in /usr/local/etc again.

 # df -h
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                78.6M     71.0M      7.6M  90% /
/dev/mtdblock/2          69.1M     61.6M      7.5M  89% /usr/local/etc
/dev/rd/0                40.0k     40.0k         0 100% /mnt/rd

And PBO can save the Setup file correctly and no longer asks me to do initial setups.

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